Elisabeth Krause
Associate Professor of Astronomy
Associate Professor of Physics
I am broadly interested in data-driven cosmology, and I like to combine theoretical modeling with with detailed understanding of cosmological data sets and new statistical techniques. I also like to think about novel probes, such as cosmic voids and higher-order statistics.
Tim Eifler
Associate Professor of Astronomy
My research focusses on cosmological data analysis with different observables and datasets from ground and space-based surveys. I am most interested in combining weak lensing, galaxy clustering, and CMB observables and am building models to include small-scale information in the analyses.
Eduardo Rozo
Associate Professor of Physics
My research group creates detailed simulations of galaxies like the Milky Way and its neighbors and utilize large volume cosmological simulations in order to understand the nature of dark matter and the physics of galaxy evolution.
Gurtina Besla
Associate Professor of Astronomy
My research group creates detailed simulations of galaxies like the Milky Way and its neighbors and utilize large volume cosmological simulations in order to understand the nature of dark matter and the physics of galaxy evolution.
Peter Behroozi
Associate Professor of Astronomy
My group researches how the evolution of dark matter and dark energy drive the formation of galaxies and supermassive black holes using machine learning.
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