Yosuke Kobayashi
ACL fellow (2021 -)
My research interest is on the large-scale structure of the Universe, in particular the clustering properties of galaxies and dark matter halos. I have been developing machine learning-based modeling to infer cosmology from the galaxy spectroscopic surveys. I am interested in machine learning and statistical methods which improve the cosmological analysis of survey data. At the University of Arizona, I work on the galaxy power spectrum analysis as a member of the SPHEREx survey.
Andres Salcedo
ACL fellow (2022 - )
My main research interests are in survey cosmology with particular focus on clusters and small-scale information. In previous work I have shown that combining cluster weak lensing, cluster-galaxy cross-correlations and galaxy auto-correlations can produce tight constraints on cosmological parameters. I am currently working to apply this data-vector to DES data. I am also interested in halo and galaxy assembly bias.
Supranta Sarma Boruah
ACL fellow (2020 - )
I am interested in various aspects of large-scale structure cosmology. At Arizona cosmology lab, I am primarily working to develop analysis methods for performing field level inference of weak lensing and for combined analysis of spectroscopic and photometric galaxy surveys. I am also interested in forward-modeled reconstruction methods and in using local measurements of peculiar velocities for cosmological analysis.
Tomomi Sunayama
JSPS fellow (2018 - 2022) / ACL fellow (2022 - )
My current research focuses on accurate physical modeling of systematics in cosmological analyses using galaxy clusters and developing a way to identify high-redshift galaxy clusters by jointly using data from photometric and spectroscopic galaxy surveys. The coming decade of cluster cosmology will be interesting, as the next-generation X-ray and optical cluster surveys (e.g., e-ROSITA and LSST) are expected to detect more than 100,000 galaxy clusters.
I am currently a co-leader of the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) Cosmology working group, which is an ongoing spectroscopic galaxy survey using 8m Subaru telescope to map about 4 million emission-line galaxies up to z=2.4.My research group creates detailed simulations of galaxies like the Milky Way and its neighbors and utilize large volume cosmological simulations in order to understand the nature of dark matter and the physics of galaxy evolution.
Hung-Jin Huang
ACL fellow (2019 -2023)
-> Software Engineer Apple
Vivian Miranda
ACL fellow 2018-2021
Research Scientist 2021/22
now faculty at Stony Brook University
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